Hmm…dilemma. To continue a good cause or venturing a better project?
Xibitkomik was both a success and a failure. Successes include realizing a dream in just a few months, a platform for new comic artists and good sales during book fair march 2008. It’s also a failure just because I wont be able to produce the 2nd issue, mangkali ada mangkali nada.
It was also a fun and challenging. Fun because its what we love – comic.
Challenging in terms of printing obstacles, book fair, regulations, sponsorship etc etc. Payah nya mu. But, it can be done.
Now it all goes down to personal priorities. Me and my wife just got ourselves a little princess. I had a clear goal for this remaining half of 2009 and next year onwards. To pursue in 2D animation.
I have been doing animation since 2004 and it was rewarding. None can compare for 2009 me@TV’s (by Regalblue Production) Afif.
The animation is 15 episodes 2 minutes each.
Currently Im doing the Afif 2nd season. So payah lah kan buat xibitkomik.
However I will update some tips, updates on this blog…macam lama sudah inda ku update haaa?.
The journey balum abis, so we just continue what we do best….berkarya!