xibit at the book fair

here are the pics duting the last two days of the book fair event. better late than never!
thanks to those who bought the komik and have a chat with me. :)
(the last pic is courtesy of anakbrunei.org)

1st issue, the making

6th march 08 photos, stapling the 1st issue comic ready to sell at the icc book fair..and its already 4pm!!! on todays paper said it will start selling at the fair by 4.30pm!!! panic time!!!

A set of simple rules if u wanna contribute for the 2nd issue

I dont like to limit anybody's creative works. Your style/technique, lines, colour, etc etc its yr identity...but i will coach u if u want to improve, of coz if yrself want to improve. Here are some of the guidelines for the coming issue..

1. Dont draw anything that may offend MIB. The fact that this comic is technically done in brunei and circulated in brunei so best if done conservatively. No sexual arousing pics, no over-violence theme, blood spill, but u can draw fighting scene..without the gore and brutalism. U can draw magic but not in a way encouraging dark magic like voodoo stuff. Ghost story can. Love story can, but no hugging no kissing...

2. Size. For the 2nd issue the size will still in a5 size. But u may want to draw on an a4 size paper or larger as long as the ratio is correct-bleed area, cutting area and drawing area as shown. On the a4 paper, leave 0.5 cm for the bleed area, another 1cm for the cutting area and the actual space for drawing.
The purpose is for consistency throughout the whole komik. View the sample pic so that u can understand.

3. Number of pages. U can do 1, 2 or 4 page of story. Usually 4 or 6 pages are reserved for the more experienced cartoonists/manga artist. But hey, this comic is meant for new talents!

4. This komik is bilingual. U can do in malay or english. I dont want to restrict in only one language becoz we are multiracial and most can speak both in malay and english anyway. Like wat i have explain earlier i dont want to restrict creativity, language is yr choosing. A dude approached me whether if he can do in japanese...well i met only 3 local who can speak japanese fluently so im not that keen..even if with translation. that will really cramped the already small komik. we shall review this sometime in the future.

i'll post other issues on how to do the komik later.

aiyak...i nearly forget. the 1st deadline will be on end of april08..that is the submission of drafts, stories. so no need inking and colouring yet. just wanna check whether it is suitable or not.

and even if yr comic is finished on time...i dont promise itll be published. due to the fact that its like best of the best. so i hope u wont feel down if not chosen becoz i've felt dissapointment long time ago. but with that experience and determination i worked harder.

so will u accept the challenge?!!!

Xibit online is now online...

Now i hav the time to do this...anyway many of you guys are waiting for more info for the 2nd issue...

I received quite a response, good and not so good but nonetheless it has been done. We never know what will happen if we dont do it right?

But first i would like to thank and appreciate to all the first issue contributors to make this komik happen. And of coz those who buy the komik :)

Now im going to distribute to shops probably in a week or so..