going digital with a tablet?

i like drawing cartoons with pen and paper and later colour it with ps. but sometimes i feel like drawing with my wacom graphire fm start til finish. results are more or less the same.

pros for using the tablet is u can imitate other types of pen and brushes that u never used before..provided that u tweak some presets on photoshop or painter.
cons are for beginners who are learning the hard way first-using wacom instead of training the hands sketching on a paper. it takes me sometime to familiarise, drawing straight lines with my wacom.

a wacom bamboo is around $300+.
intuos is around $500-$1000+ if yr serious digital illustrator. the surface feels like paper and interchangeable nibs, unlike my graphire feels plastic..licin bana
and my dream wacom cintiq 12inch or 24inch lcd display which u can draw directly onto it! $2000-$5000...jason fm american choppers and scott adams creator of dilbert have the bigger version.
a tablet pc? well..i dont know those who hav the hp tablet and how it draws accurately...nyesal ku bali clevo ku dulu...

anyway pen and paper still my choice for drawing. colouring using ps. stick onto wat u like. but dont be afraid to change..

"betulkan yang biasa, biasakan yang betul," as dr fadzillah kamsah said hehe.

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